[Jan Update] The second batch are at the Gilder, third batch is in production

Happy New Year, everyone!
Jan. 9th, 2023
TLDR: The second batch of tarot decks is being gilded, expected to be returned to the printer in March. At the same time, the third batch has started production. If you need to update your shipping address, please message me through Kickstarter, or respond via email to your order#.
I just wanted to give you a quick update. The second batch of 500 units is currently being gilded, which is expected to take 6-8 weeks to complete. I'm hoping to have this batch returned to the printer in March, at which point they will be checked for quality and then packaged and processed up for shipping.
Full project status so far: the work order for the Golden Eclipse tarot deck is for 2000 units. The first batch of 400 units has already been delivered (as mentioned in Update #29), the second batch is in the process of getting gilded (as mentioned in this update), and the third batch has started production (with an estimated 550 units). 🤓 By my calculations, the third batch will fulfill all the Kickstarter rewards and website pre-orders/add-ons. 🎉 This estimated final and fourth batch of 550 units will be reserved for retail sales and anyone who wants to grab an extra deck for themselves or as a gift.
I'll keep you all informed as production continues, with monthly updates. And if you've recently moved or are planning to move and need to change your shipping address, don't hesitate to message me directly through Kickstarter. I'll be happy to make the necessary changes on my end.
Thanks for your patience and support. Carmen and I can't wait to deliver your tarot decks to you.